Friday, November 18, 2011

The Truth About Trinity: Transport Pick Up

Getting Trinity was a very short and easy process. As I have previously said we adopted her through P.S I Love You Animal Rescue located in Arkansas. This is where her mom still lives with her family.

The weekend prior to getting Trinity, Zach and I went on a puppy shopping spree. We got all of the essentials for her. We bought her a collar, leash, food, toys, treats, bones, and her meal dishes. I did set it up to get a pre-puppy photo shoot. Thank goodness we got a mat for her bowls because she does like to dribble her water all over the place.

Trinity was placed on the transport on Thursday, March 3, 2011. She took the 1,400 mile, 2 day drive from the south all the way up to Connecticut. I was very nervous about her going on the transport. This was going to be the first time she was away from her mom and siblings. It was her first time in a vehicle. She was going to be in a crate and surrounded by other dogs she did not know. But I try not to think of it like that. I think of the wonderful people at Alpha Dog Transport who stayed with the dogs on the trailer and who gave each dog a short walk every four hours.

I took the day off of work so Zach and I could pick her up. We decided to go a little early to check out where the pick up was. But instead we went to Target and bought her more stuff. I just couldn't resist, I was going to be a new mommy!

We got to the rest stop and walked up to the trailer. I was both nervous and excited all at the same time. I was wondering, how will she be? Is she as sweet as she looks? Will she be the perfect pet that I have been imagining her to be? But most of all I was wondering, will she get along with our cats? Then, I handed the staff my license. I told them we were there to pick up Dot from P.S I Love You. They went back into the trailer and out they came with the most precious puppy I had ever seen. They came out with MY puppy! All of the wondering went out the door as the man said, "I've been doing this for a while. You (Zach) get the paper work. And you (me) get the puppy." I was smitten from that very moment.
Of course I forgot to take pictures of picking her up at the transport. But I did take many pictures of her at home. I have the rest of her life to take pictures of her. My precious baby!

Stay tuned for: Trinity's first day home & Meeting her adopted human and doggy family!


  1. Oh my, thank you for sharing this with me...we rarely get to indulge in the pleasure of what it feels like you to adopt our dogs. People have been so great to give good homes to our sweet fosters...and we are so grateful...but when we get to see deeply what it means to you...well it just is priceless and is the icing on the cake that keeps us eager to keep finding homes and reaching out.

  2. I want everyone to know how special my pup is. You all do such wonderful things for these dogs. The least i can do is share with each one of you how wonderful & special what you do is. I hope to encourage anyone & everyone I know to adopt because it can change an animals world in an instant. I'm always very surprised at how many people are unaware of what happens to these dogs each and every day. I hope P.S I Love You can keep doing this for many years to come! I do hope you can become a page on Facebook so I can share it here on my blog!
